Howard Dagley, CPA can be contacted through his website, or by phone at (661) 255-8627. Call today for an appointment with the best CPA in the Santa Clarita Valley!
Having trouble managing your own finances while also trying to manage the finances and taxes for your small business? Call Howard Dagley today and he can help you with both your personal and business finances. Howard’s experience encompasses start up and turn around solutions for small to large SEC companies. Howard possesses expertise in math factoring and distributions, specializing in retail, entertainment, and restaurant tax situations. He has consulted and acted as tax advisor with such notable companies as Tiger Air, House of Fabrics, Johnny Rockets, Authentic Fitness (Speedo), Uncle Milton’s Ant Farms and Lucky Brand Jeans.
With a list of clients like this, you should be confident when putting your faith in Howard. Call Howard Dagley, CPA today for an appointment with the best CPA in the Santa Clarita Valley.