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Better Call Howard Dagley, CPA 1-661-255-8627 It’s always tax time! Serving Los Angeles County

Get Organized for your 2021 Return – Howard Dagley CPA – If you’re in business for yourself, you’ll need to be in the know about Tax Laws that have changed and so have Business Deductions.

There are so many new laws and questions to ask! Howard Dagley, CPA has the answers.

Find out if you need to get your personal and/or business taxes done by a professional. Maybe you need to estimate quarterly, Maybe not!


Do your eyes glaze over at the thought of pulling all of your receipts, bills and other info together to do your taxes? If you’re like most people, you probably answered yes. If that’s the case, Howard Dagley, CPA is your guy. Howard can can your taxes done – and make sure you get all of the deductions that are coming to you!

Things can get confusing when you’re trying to pull together all of your financial documents. Call Howard L Dagley, CPA at 661-255-8627. You could be missing out on plenty of them if you don’t know what you’re doing. Many consumers fail to report legitimate expenses that could help knock down that end-of-the-year hit they take in taxes.