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Filing and Processing 2018
You can file your federal tax return as soon as you have all the relevant information and documents you’ll need to prepare it.

Howard Dagley, CPA 1-661-255-8627

Your employer has until January 31, 2018 to send out W-2s for 2017 earnings, and most 1099 forms must also be sent to earners by that date.

Even if you receive your documentation earlier than this, it doesn’t mean that the Internal Revenue Service will immediately process your return if you file as soon as possible. The IRS didn’t officially begin accepting tax returns for the 2016 tax year until January 23, 2017, and it’s expected to wait until mid-February in 2018 to accept 2017 returns. The IRS is scrambling to adjust to the new provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs act that was passed at the end of the year, and no official announcement has yet been made as to the exact date. Plan on it being February 1 at the earliest.

Whenever the date turns out to be—and you can keep tabs on the situation on the IRS website—the IRS will begin accepting electronically filed tax returns on that day and processing paper returns that have been mailed in.

So if you mail in your tax return the first week in January, it will just sit in the queue until this date arrives. There’s no advantage in mailing a return any earlier instead of waiting to e-file.

Call me for help this year -Tax Time is here!

Call Howard Dagley CPA  to get your returns done fast and accurately!  1-661-255-8627

Will the much discussed proposed tax reform change your tax situation. Have Howard review your current situation. Don’t take the chance of missing out on the possibility of an increased refund.

Howard will help you prepare and E-File your return.

Howard is a certified public accountant licensed by the state of California. He holds a certificate of completion from Cal State Northridge in total quality management. He also is a certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor. Call Howard L Dagley, CPA at 1-661-255-8627

Howard Dagley, CPA: 23560 Lyons Avenue, Ste 224 | 1-661-255-8627 | www.cpasantaclarita.com

Call Howard Dagley Today!
