Business Start-up Consulting
Selecting the best structure for your business can be a difficult decision. Before you decide to incorporate or form a partnership, let us help you evaluate tax advantages, legal exposure and ease of operation, so that you can decide which structure will best fit your needs. Howard has helped many clients save time and money by simply talking first. Call today to schedule an appointment. (661) 255-8627
Starting or Buying a Business: Each option involves some element of risk and reward. Whichever option you choose, however, owning your own business offers a chance at more freedom and greater financial rewards. So, you’re thinking of going into business for yourself. You have several options available, and all involve some degree of risk. Do you want to create a start-up operation? Perhaps you are planning on buying an existing business. Or, you may be considering the purchase of a franchise operation
Choosing an Entity for Your Business: Basically, three separate categories of entities exist: partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies. Each category has its own advantages, disadvantages, and special rules. It is also possible to operate your business as a sole proprietorship without organizing as a separate business entity. Now that you’ve decided to start a new business or buy an existing one, you need to consider the form of business entity that’s right for you.
Howard is a certified public accountant licensed by the state of California. He holds a certificate of completion from Cal State Northridge in total quality management. He also is a certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor. Call Howard L Dagley, CPA at 661-255-8627.
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