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The Tax Deadline Is Approaching

The Tax Deadline Is Approaching

The Tax Deadline Is Approaching Quickly! Don’t be a late filer in 2024. Cramming your taxes at the last minute can be stressful. Avoid the stress this year by filing with the best! Howard Dagley, CPA is here to help you with your taxes this year. Are you...
Learn About The Child Tax Credit Bill

Learn About The Child Tax Credit Bill

Have You Heard About The Child Tax Credit Bill? If You’re Interested In Learning More Information About The Child Tax Credit Bill, just keep reading!   Did you know that the Senate and Congress are likely to pass a child tax credit expansion bill in 2024?...
Expanded Child Tax Credit In 2024

Expanded Child Tax Credit In 2024

Did You Know That The House Of Representative Recently Passed An Expanded Child Tax Credit Recently? If the bill for expanded tax credit is passed, millions of families and businesses can benefit tremendously from it! Howard Dagley, CPA is here to keep you up to date...
Don’t Be A Last Minute Filer

Don’t Be A Last Minute Filer

Don’t Be A Last Minute Filer This Tax Season. Did you know that you’re refund amount can be impacted by how early or late you file your taxes? Late filers are more likely to have mistakes on their tax return that could end up costing them money. Never file...
Get Tax Help Today

Get Tax Help Today

Get Tax Help Today! Don’t delay filing your taxes, you may have a big refund waiting for you! Howard Dagley is here to handle your taxes in 2024! As the #1 Tax Expert in the SCV and SFV valley, Howard will cater to your individual tax situation. You don’t...
File Your Taxes Early 2024

File Your Taxes Early 2024

Get Ahead Of The Rush And File Your Taxes Early In 2024. The tax deadline will be here in just a few short months. Erase the anxiety that comes with filing your taxes by getting them out of the way early. If you live in the SoCal area, you’ll want to file with...